
Abstract Submission:

Abstract Themes:



Rules for Submission of Abstracts:


Please read the submission rules before submitting an abstract.

Guidelines For Submission:

Before you begin, please prepare the following information:
(Please Note: Word count is affected when graphs/tables/images are added) Abstract layout - Abstracts must be submitted with the following sections:

Abstract Submitters Declaration

During abstract submission, you will be asked to declare the following:

Conflict Of Interest & Ethical Approval

Abstract Selection and Presentation

The Committee will review all submitted abstracts. Notification regarding abstract acceptance and scheduling will be sent to the submitting author. Please note, that if your abstract is accepted for oral presentation, the presenting author will be permitted to present in the program.

E-poster General Specifications:

Design Specifications:

Colour Specifications:

Note: The Committee reserves the right to select e-posters relevant to the scientific program. Decide on the final form of presentation (Oral or E- Poster)

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